NEWS, Combating hate speech and violent extremismTerrorist Attacks in Somalia.. Maat Condemns Violations of the Right to Life and Security
PUBLICATIONS, NEWS, Combating hate speech and violent extremismMaat launches the initiative “Interlocutors from Early Childhood"
Studies, NEWS, Video, Combating hate speech and violent extremismArab Women and Peacemaking: Contributions and Failures in Light of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda
NEWS, Combating hate speech and violent extremism Maat launches the "Life is a difference, not prejudice" initiative
NEWS, Studies, Combating hate speech and violent extremismMaat Association implements youth, peace, and security activity
Studies, Combating hate speech and violent extremism“From Saying to Doing”: Youth, Peace and Security Agenda & its Application in the Arab Region With Egypt as a Model
NEWS, Video, Combating hate speech and violent extremismMaat: We warn against online hate speech targeting youth
NEWS, Combating hate speech and violent extremismMaat concludes training workshops to combat hate speech in the name of religion
NEWS, Combating hate speech and violent extremismMaat organizes training workshops to combat hate speech in the name of religion
Reports, Combating hate speech and violent extremismCombating Hate Speech in Egypt Tracks and Mechanisms of Confrontation
NEWS, Activities, Training, Combating hate speech and violent extremismAnnouncement to participate in the workshops
WORK PAPERS, Combating hate speech and violent extremismA brief informative guide about the most important health information and correct measures to prevent corona virus
NEWS, Combating hate speech and violent extremismThe deteriorating security situation in Somalia ... between a powerless government and increasing terrorism
NEWS, Combating hate speech and violent extremismThe security situation in West Africa ... Continuous deterioration and new warnings
NEWS, Training, Combating hate speech and violent extremismMaat concludes training "Approaching Human Rights in Peace Support Operations"
NEWS, Training, Combating hate speech and violent extremismMaat begins the first session of the training program "Approaching Human Rights in Peace Support Operations"