NEWS, The Universal Periodic ReviewIn conjunction with the Egyptian government's review of its report at the Human Rights Council: Maat discusses the file of civil and political rights in Egypt
NEWSWith the participation of Ambassador Moushira Khattab, human rights organizations hold a symposium on economic and social rights in Egypt
NEWSThe International Coalition and Maat Foundation organize a stand in front of the Human Rights Council in Geneva to reject violence and spread peace
NEWS, The Universal Periodic Review, TrainingThe International Alliance, the Maat Foundation, and the International Consulting Group launch the UPR Mechanism training program in Geneva
NEWS The Peace Makers and Development Forum announces the formation of an international human rights mission
NEWSAqeel We regret that there are countries and governments that open their coffers to terrorist groups
NEWSMaat participates in the annual meeting of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund as a representative of the African ECOSOC
NEWS27 years after the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty .. Maat: One-tenth of the world's population still lives in extreme poverty
NEWSDemonstrations without violence and a professional conscience are absent in media outlets in support of terrorism