Africa to achieve sustainable development and economic growth

The African Union issued the Sustainable Development Agenda 2063 in 2013. To implement this agenda, states have a responsibility to implement it in partnership with all stakeholders. On the sidelines of the recent 33rd Ordinary Summit of the African Union, a continental report was issued on the implementation of the aspirations and objectives of this agenda. This report is an assessment of 31 countries and six regional economic groups in order to realize Africa's aspirations for sustainable development and economic growth. The report was issued in partnership between the African Union Commission and the African Union Development Agency ((AUDA-NEPAD. It is the first report during the biennial reporting cycle set by the African Union to review performance in relation to priority areas for development in Africa, and to identify strategies and policy measures needed to implement the first ten-year implementation plan. The report also presents information on performance in implementing Agenda 2063 at the continental, regional and national levels.

In the capacity of the Maat Foundation as a member of the General Assembly of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union, as well as its leadership for the North African region in the group of major NGOs in Africa under the umbrella of the United Nations, the Foundation proposes and recommends further coordination with the mechanism of the high-level political forum, which reviews the efforts of Countries of the world in achieving the sustainable development goals in the 2030 Agenda, in order to prevent duplication or squandering of efforts in a way that serves the reality of achieving all development agendas

For more details, and to view the report, visit the following link:

# Maat_africa365Day  # Agenda 2030 # Agenda 2063 #Sustainable Development # African Union


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