Maat concludes the first training workshop for cadres of civil society organizations in southern Upper Egypt
The Policy Analysis Unit at Maat Foundation issues a new policy paper “Developing the Small Enterprises Sector to Promote the Right to Work”
With support from the European Union next Wednesday: Maat launches the first phase of training NGOs to follow up on Egypt's international obligations
Ten years after its founding, the Human Rights Council is a toothless mechanism. It is governed by political and diplomatic relations
Ten years after its establishment ... the Human Rights Council is a mechanism without teeth ... and is governed by political and diplomatic relations
Ten years after its establishment ... the Human Rights Council is a mechanism without teeth ... and is governed by political and diplomatic relations
The Policy Analysis Unit of the Maat Foundation issues its first papers, "A vision for reforming the health insurance system in Egypt"
Strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations to effectively follow up on UPR recommendations