NEWS, Session-52, Video, Human Rights CouncilMaat Ali commentary Interactive dialogue with the fact-finding mission on Libya
Video, NEWS, Session-52, Human Rights CouncilHuman rights violations committed by the Israeli occupation forces in Palestine
Video, NEWS, The Universal Periodic Review, Session-52, Human Rights CouncilMaat commented on the universal periodic review of the United Kingdom under Item Six
Video, NEWS, The Universal Periodic Review, Session-52, Human Rights CouncilMaat comments on the universal periodic review of the State of the Netherlands under the sixth item
NEWS, Session-52, Training, Human Rights CouncilMaat’s Training on International and Regional Advocacy for Women's Rights
NEWS, Session-52, Training, Human Rights CouncilMaat concludes its training program on international human rights mechanisms in Geneva
NEWS, Session-52, Video, Human Rights CouncilUnder the Theme “Unite for Peace”, Maat organizes a Peaceful Protest