A proposal to amend "Combating Human Trafficking" to protect women

A proposal to amend "Combating Human Trafficking" to protect women

The proposed amendments prepared by the Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights to the Anti-Human Trafficking Law included the necessity of adding a comprehensive article stipulating the punishment of everyone who committed the offense of trafficking, and criminalizing all forms of trafficking in women, related to their exploitation in service work, bargain marriage, early marriage, Servant wife, organ trade, forced labor not covered by legal protection such as “domestic workers - migrant workers”, seizing the income of a wife or daughter against her will, employing women for less than market wages, commercial sex, exploiting refugee women, begging, and using women as human shields .

The proposal included amending the articles of the law with regard to the transfer of organs, so that the organs that are to be transferred and transplanted are determined according to what doctors see in a manner that does not affect the health of the donor in detail, with the reformulation of Articles 5 and 7 of the law so that the intent to transfer and transplant human organs is defined. And setting a clear and detailed definition of the concept of the human organ and the mother cells that he mentioned in the two articles, and adding an article to the law to define the concept of death, as no article of the law stipulated the definition and description of a complete death.

The proposal called for increasing the penalty in Article 227 of the Penal Code for anyone who appeared before the competent authority, with the intention of proving that one of the spouses had reached the legally determined age for controlling the marriage contract, statements that he knew were incorrect, or he had written or presented papers to her as well if the contract was seized on the basis of these statements or Documents, provided that a punishment is similar to the punishment in the first paragraph or with the same fine, every person authorized by law to control the marriage contract knowing that one of the two parties has not reached the age specified in the law.

A proposal was formulated to delete the exception contained in subparagraph (b) of Article 4 of the Labor Law, which excludes domestic workers from protecting that law, and to activate what was authorized by the Trade Union Law No. 35 of 1976 for domestic workers to establish trade union organizations that defend their interests, in addition to deleting the article 97 of the Labor Law, which excludes women workers in the pure agriculture from all workers' rights in accordance with the law, with the legislator developing articles of a law that regulate women's employment in agriculture.

The proposal calls for amending some articles of the Law on Combating Illegal Immigration and Smuggling of Migrants by stricter penalties in Article 6 of the law to read: Attempts or involvement in it, and the penalty is rigorous imprisonment and a fine of not less than five million pounds or a fine equal to the value of the benefit he received, whichever is greater, and the severity of the penalty in Article 7 of the law so that the penalty is life and a fine of not less than two million pounds or an equal fine. For the value of the benefit to him, whichever is greater if any of the crimes stipulated in the first paragraph of the previous article are committed in any of the following cases: Increase the punishment in Article 10 of the law to become (punishable by imprisonment for a period of no less than five years) whoever uses force, threat, or Offer a gift or advantage of any kind or a promise of something to induce another person to give false testimony, conceal a matter, or make false statements or information at any stage of collecting evidence, investigation or trial in procedures related to committing any act A number of the crimes stipulated in this law. The same penalty shall be imposed on whoever discloses or reveals the identity of the smuggled immigrant or witness in a manner that exposes him to danger or causes harm, facilitates contact with him, or provides him with incorrect information about his legal rights with the intention of harming him or violating his physical, psychological or mental integrity. ”

In the same context, a number of jurists recommended that the penalties in the anti-trafficking law should be increased to a level without the death penalty, and that the law should be activated, and new amendments to Law No. 64 of 2010 on combating human trafficking should be added, including articles on the forms of trafficking in women.

Dr. Ahmed Al-Buraei, the former Minister of Manpower - during a round table held by the Maat Foundation, yesterday evening, to discuss improving the frameworks for combating human trafficking, as part of the institution’s project “The Comprehensive Periodic Review as a Tool for Improving Public Policies during the Transitional Phase” - praised the proposals of Maat, adding Forced labor basically falls under the threat of human trafficking, and he said that the Migrant Workers Protection Convention provides for the protection of all legal or illegal migrant workers, whether they start work legally and terminate illegally, or vice versa, which is the convention ratified by Egypt.

A proposal to amend "Combating Human Trafficking" to protect women


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