A written intervention regarding human trafficking operations in the countries of Libya and Chad and the Qatari role in increasing this phenomenon
Submitted to: Human Rights Council, 41st Session
Concerning: Item 3 related to the report of the Special Rapporteur on human trafficking, especially women and children (Human Rights Council Resolution No. 35/3).
Human trafficking is the crime of exploitation of women, children and men for various purposes, including forced labor and prostitution. The International Labor Organization estimates the number of victims of forced labor in the world at 21 million, including victims of sexual exploitation. While it is not known how many victims were trafficked, the estimates point to the fact that there are millions of people in the vicinity of these heinous practices in the world. .
The Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights (Egypt) warns of the escalation of the phenomenon of human trafficking in its various forms in a number of Arab countries, especially in Libya and Chad, and the Qatari role that helps spread this phenomenon, and calls for the activation of international agreements that call for combating this phenomenon, rehabilitating its victims and protecting them. The Foundation stated that human trafficking has become an epidemic that spreads in various parts of the world and affects all countries, whether they are countries of origin, transit points or destinations, especially in light of the internal conflicts that some countries witness and the increasing rates of poverty.
shortlink: https://maatpeace.org/en/?p=30796