NEWS, TrainingMaat participates in the International Training of the Citizen Journalism Academy in Three European Countries
NEWSFrom Malta... Maat participates in a European youth project on mechanisms to combat hate speech and reject extremism
NEWS, Combating hate speech and violent extremism Maat launches the "Life is a difference, not prejudice" initiative
NEWS, Studies, Combating hate speech and violent extremismMaat Association implements youth, peace, and security activity
NEWSOn the sidelines of Egypt's Review at the UN High-Level Political Forum: Maat Discusses Sustainable Development
NEWS In the presence of the president of the African Eco-Soc and representatives of civil society in the continent.
NEWSEnhancing research skills for young people from Egypt and Brazil on International Humanitarian Law
NEWS, Training, Combating hate speech and violent extremismMaat begins the first session of the training program "Approaching Human Rights in Peace Support Operations"
NEWS, Training, Combating hate speech and violent extremismMaat continues its sessions in the training "Strengthening the role of youth in peace and security in the southern Mediterranean"
NEWS, Training, Combating hate speech and violent extremismMaat organizes the first round table within the project to strengthen the role of youth in peace and security