NEWSMAAT calls for a prompt investigation in the national human rights council's report on Abu Za'bal prison The government should implement the UPR recommendations from 112 to 115 to grantee the lack of impunity
Reports, NEWS, Improving DemocracyThe parliamentary observatory issuing the 12th report to observe the incidents of violence and terrorism and its relation with the parliamentary elections
NEWSAnti-violence and terrorism protest for activists and Egyptian residents in Geneva in front of the United Nations Headquarters
NEWSIn the context of the Integration and Rehabilitation project's closing conference More than 3,000 beneficiaries of the implemented project in collaboration between MAAT and DROSOS Foundations
NEWSOn the fourth anniversary of the Egyptian revolution, Maat demands documentation of the Brotherhood’s crimes, a complete investigation into the martyrdom of Shaima al-Sabbagh and the amendment of the protest law
NEWSWithin the framework of the integrated protection project for the families of prisoners and detainees, Maat received 27 in-kind grants for families to start income-generating projects
NEWSThe Egyptian National Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation condemns terrorism and is in solidarity with efforts to combat it
NEWSTerrorism is rising in conjunction with Christmas and the approaching third phase of the Road Map. Maat calls for political measures to sort out the forces that support terrorism.
NEWSIn order for the police not to lose the popular back in their war with terrorism, a critical and reform vision provided by the Maat Foundation
NEWSThe universal periodic review is between “lying”, “exaggerating” and “revealing” so that the review is not an opportunity to improve human rights conditions and is not a season of “Karbaliyat” memorialization
NEWSThe Integration and Rehabilitation Project's Community Committees Appeal to the Minister of Social Solidarity to amend the Ministerial Decree No. 209/2014
NEWSThe National Coalition for Rights and Development condemns the terrorist attacks in Sinai popular solidarity and international and regional powers support is a need to fight terrorism
NEWS, Improving DemocracyThe Presidency of the Egyptian National Network concludes the second meeting of the network in 2014 entitled "Supporting the role of the national network in promoting the culture of dialogue - experiences and experiences"
NEWSPsychodrama – an entrance to modify the behaviors of prisoners and detainees children involved in the Integration and Rehabilitation project