The "Popular Monitoring over the Transitional Period Network" supports the cancelation of the proportion of workers and farmers.
Counter-terrorism is an armed forces and police authentic duty The Peaceful of demonstration and army forces existing away from politics are the most important phase controls
The Egyptian National Network for Anna Lindh Foundation Condemns Violence, Incitement, and Exclusion Dialogue is the best Solution for National and Political Powers out of the Current Situation
What happened is a popular revolution and not a military coup. Maat calls for the Egyptian people's choices to be respected and the rejection of violence and exclusion
Calls for the Political Authorities in Egypt to Respect the Rights to Protest and Respond to the Protesters Demands by Arab Organizations
The governing authority adopts the "deaf ear" policy along with resorting to militias in the face of peaceful protests
Maat Organizes the First Entertainment and Educational Camp for Youth in the Framework of Integration and Rehabilitation Project
Maat Foundation is the New Head of the National Egyptian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation by a Majority of 54 Votes out of 63
In Recognition of Maat's National and Regional Efforts The Foundation is nominated for the EuroMed Youth Awards 2013
In the Framework of Promoting NGOs Role in Supporting Decentralization Hanns Seidel and Maat Conclude the NGOs Cadres Training Program
We Rise Through Positivity Maat Organizes a New Entertainment, Educational Trip for Prisoners and Detainees Families'