” "Okeil": Maat is working to create a generation of young people who are aware of how to analyze information.
“"Baka Radwan": Programs must be adopted that enhance young people's skills to use digital technology in a responsible and balanced manner.
Maat for Peace, Development, and Human Rights association held a 3-day workshop on "how to face the consequences of disinformation" with the participation of 25 young man and women, and in cooperation with Mr. Seg Kirakossian, the senior trainer in arts and human rights at the FSL Foundation in Luxembourg. The first day of the workshop covered a general introduction to types of disinformation, ways of spreading it, and ways to confront and combat it. The second day dealt with the effects of disinformation on the society, ways of prevention, and raising capabilities with information verification techniques and critical thinking skills. The third day of the workshop dealt with analyzing strategies for awareness campaigns to enhance the fight against disinformation, by creating a simulation model of a campaign with the participants in the workshop towards eliminating the spread of disinformation.
In this context, Ayman Okeil, the international human rights expert and founder of Maat association, said that the free flow of information and the speed of its spread in the era of change led to the spread of misleading news and information, pointing to the role of civil society in raising awareness of the effects of disinformation on society, and working to enhance constructive criticism skills and the right thinking among young people to Neva,uate the information circulated on the internet.
"Okeil" assured on the importance of creating a generation of young people who are aware of how to analyze information, through the use of effective strategies for verification and responsible use of social media.
From her side, Baka Radwan, the project coordinator, said that the importance of repeating such workshop with young people and enhancing regional and international cooperation in combating disinformation to reduce its effects on societies, and the necessity of adopting educational programs to enhance young people's skills to use digital technology in a responsible and balance manner.
It is worth noting that this workshop is implemented with the support of Anna Lindh Foundation for Intercultural Dialogue within the framework of the mobility program.
shortlink: https://maatpeace.org/en/?p=42057