Correcting the path ... Egypt and opportunities to benefit from international experiences to combat child labor

Executive summary

The physical and psychological safety of children globally, especially in developing and poor regions, has become difficult to achieve due to the daily threats posed by children long working hours in precarious conditions to help their families out of the clutches of extreme poverty, as many children are forced to leave education to help their parents or themselves earning a living in light of threats to their lives. It is estimated that there are more than 160 million children working around the world in an inhumane atmosphere tainted by a degree of exploitation resulting from their young age and lack of maturity. In this way, many national and international efforts are joining forces to defeat and combat child labor by facing the conditions and challenges conducive to it, especially poverty, evasion from education and the spread of negative stereotypes. Many parties have turned to strengthening social protection efforts in addition to promoting education and putting pressure on stakeholders involved in supporting child labor children, whether directly or indirectly, as well as strengthening institutional capacities to reduce the phenomenon and create a state of societal awareness of its seriousness, using a range of tools, including technology and soft power, besides the official government tools represented by social protection programs from countries and international organizations, in addition to the human rights pressure campaigns, so this study attempts to shed light on the international experiences that were used in combating child labor to come up with a set of lessons learned and tools that enabled countries to overcome the phenomenon, with the aim of applying some of them in some countries in a way that contributes to eliminating the phenomenon The study sets an example on how the Egyptian government can benefit from reducing child labor based on the international experiences and lessons learned.


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