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Apartheid in Israel


Today, March 21, is a day of human solidarity in which the world celebrates the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in its various forms, in honor of the human being whom God has favored over all other creatures. The Zionist militia destroyed 531 Palestinian villages and committed more than 70 massacres, in which more than 15 thousand Palestinians and Palestinians were martyred between 1947 and 1949. .

She has performed The Nakba Due to the asylum of about two thirds of the Palestinian people during the year 1948 and what followed, and the internal displacement of one third of the remainder after the war, the Israeli occupation state continues to deny them since that time their right to return to their original villages, towns and cities. Nevertheless, the colonial legacy of the Nakba continues to this day.

For decades, Israel has doubled its institutional repression of the Palestinian people and implemented a systematic plan to transfer the indigenous Palestinian population from their lands, in addition to the prolonged occupation of Palestinian lands, the de facto annexation of the West Bank, and the formal annexation of Jerusalem and the occupied Syrian Golan in contravention of international law. Whether the official annexation of the West Bank is proceeding or stopping, the fact remains that Israel aggressively pursued an illegal policy of population transfer and demographic manipulation, thus consolidating apartheid the right of the Palestinian people on both sides of the Green Line, as well as depriving refugees and exiles abroad of their right to return..

Since its occupation of Palestine, Israel has imposed a set of laws and practices that have aimed to isolate and divide the Palestinians through the establishment of an apartheid regime. It deliberately divided the Palestinian people, legally, politically and geographically, into four separate divisions: the Palestinians who hold Israeli citizenship, the Palestinians residing in Jerusalem, the Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, in addition to the Palestinian refugees exiled in the Diaspora and those who have been deprived of the right of return.

The dispersal of the Palestinian people was accompanied by the systematic work of depriving them of their basic rights represented in the denial of shelter, land and natural resources through the systematic violation of the right to return to their homes, lands and properties, and the denial of the right to residency, family reunification, and freedom of movement. Israel also adopted continuous coercive policies that led to the continuation of the transfer and displacement of the Palestinians, which led to a radical change in the historical demographic composition and to give preference to Israeli Jews.

After 73 years, the Nakba has not left its place in the memory of the Palestinian people. It is an existing and ongoing reality of Israeli settler colonialism, population transfer, apartheid, and dispossession. And the policies have not expired, and are still entrenched to this day.

It is through this report that the Foundation provides Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights (Egypt) An analysis of how Israel imposed the apartheid regime on the Palestinian people as a whole over the past decades. And that is through legislation and practices.

First: The international legal framework for the elimination of racial discrimination

Racial behavior and politics are the beliefs or behaviors that give preference and discrimination to one group of people over another, and are sometimes based on skin color, language, culture, customs or beliefs.. The term “racial discrimination” means any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or detail based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin that aims or entails disrupting or impeding the recognition, enjoyment or exercise of human rights and fundamental freedoms on an equal footing in the political field or Economic, social, cultural, or any other field of public life

The international community has taken care, through many international conventions, to criminalize these acts, as they were considered a crime that threatens international peace and security, which raises the concern of the international community and requires accountability and punishment. Among these charters and agreements: -

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