Foundation progress Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights (Egypt) This report is to clarify the position of the State of Qatar, which is inconsistent with international conventions on human rights, especially the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Qatar recently joined in May 2018, as the Qatari authorities are still imposing various restrictions on the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, association and association. In addition to the fact that the Qatari authorities did not allow the existence of independent political parties, and did not allow the formation of workers' associations except for Qatari citizens and in the event that strict standards were met, and those laws continued to be enforced that consider freedom of expression an act that is offensive to the Emir of the country.
In a related context, feel Maat Foundation Deeply concerned about the State of Qatar issuing new legislation No. (2) of 2020 amending some provisions of the Penal Code promulgated by Law No. (11) of 2004, to completely eliminate the remaining freedom of opinion and expression inside Qatar or for its citizens abroad, as well as the government's desire to Blackout the law in violation of all international conventions aimed at guaranteeing the right to opinion and expression, thus Qatar adds another arbitrary chapter in its national legislation, such as the Cybercrime Law of 2014 and the Media Law of 2012, according to which the Qatari authorities impose broad restrictions on freedom of opinion Expression, and gives the Qatari security forces the right to abuse opponents and prevent opinions contrary to the policies of the Qatari government, as part of an explicit violation of all international charters and treaties, most of which the State of Qatar has joined, especially the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which Qatar is obligated to activate its provisions, and to amend Its national legislation is in line with the provisions of the international convention.