Maat Center for Juridical and Constitutional Studies held on Thursday, 20\5\2008 the activities of the first peace day in Al Mansoura city- Dakahlia governorate. Peace Days is one of the activities of Social Peace Project carried out by Maat Center for Juridicla and Constitutional Studies supported by the US Agency for International Development (USAID).
Peace Day aimed at rejoining families of prisoners and detainees with other normal families, which did not face these problems in a group of activities and debates under the observation of social and psychological expert to emphasize concepts of tolerance, violence rejection, social solidarity, and to try to help families to solve their problems.
In this day, there was a legal advisor to answer questions of these families, the participating families are divided according to age into three groups; elderly, youth, and children, every group have its own practices.
The day started in nine o'clock as the families arrived, it was started by Maat Center's speech about Peace Day, the project idea, and the concept of social peace in all its sides. Then sessions were started; elderly sessions included discussions about their interesting matters like how to get help form national associations and how to benefit services they offer, how to control son's disobedience under hard times, rights of prisoner and detainee, and how to get necessary legal support. Youth activities included a session to listen to their problems and frustrations and to discuss nature of these feelings and the way to overcome them, and then youth session was ended by sports and cultural competitions.
After lunch, the two groups of elderly and youth were joined and a session was held. This session included leaders of normal local society represented in members of local councils, lawyers, journalists, and representatives of some national associations and parties to strengthen acquaintance and cooperation between them and to discuss different important subjects.
The day was ended by distributing gifts and toys among children.