Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights (Egypt) submits this report to the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples to shed light on the violations of the rights of the Ahwazi people regarding their lack of access to justice and the enjoyment of the right to a fair trial as one of the most important human rights.
The Islamic Republic of Iran continues to violate human rights in general and the right to justice for indigenous people in particular, which are presumed to be guaranteed under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, however, it ratified the covenant more than four decades ago, victims of human rights violations in Iran, including Ahwazi people, can not access any international body to present the violations committed against them, as a result of Iran's reservation to the First Optional Protocol allowing individuals to lodge complaints with the Human Rights Council on violations of their rights by the state. Although civil and political rights are theoretically included to some extent in Iranian national law, the authorities show no respect or obligation to protect these rights and it is difficult for victims to take an action against the state's violations of rights.