Report on the integration of the sustainable development agenda into the activities of the global education program
offered to me: Human Rights Council session 39.
about: Clause 3: Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development (Report on the integration of the sustainable development agenda into the activities of the World Education Program).
Human rights education represents a lifelong process that develops knowledge and skills, as well as reinforces attitudes and behaviors in the pursuit of the promotion and respect of human rights. This definition leads the World Program for Human Rights Education, which is a global initiative of the United Nations, which since 2005 has encouraged concrete measures to include human rights education in all sectors.
Human rights education contributes to the preservation of the dignity of all human beings and to the establishment of societies in which human rights are valued and respected. Support provided to Member States and other parties to implement human rights education.