Religious discourse plays a central role in promoting the tolerance values and contributes in the needed social mobilization to help the marginalized groups in the society and enable them to integrate and coexist in a positive way, which contributes in improving their social and economic conditions.
In this framework, Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights in cooperation with Ishraqa Association for New Society organized a round table for the religious leaders in Imbaba district entitled "Role of Religious Leaders in Motivating Societies to Help the Families of the Prisoners and Detainees"
This meeting comes in the framework of the activities of the project "Integrated Protection for the Families of the Prisoners and Detainees- Integration and Rehabilitation" funded by the Swiss Foundation DROSOS working in Egypt since 2008, since its establishment in Zurich in 2003, DROSOS seeks to enable people who suffers from difficult situations around the world to live their lives with dignity, and to take responsibility for themselves and their communities.
The project "Integrated Protection for the Families of the Prisoners and Detainees- Integration and Rehabilitation" seeks to improve the social and economic conditions for the families and detainees in six districts and centers in Giza and Cairo.
The meeting with (20) of Muslim and Christian religious leaders aimed to promote the role of the attendees in encouraging the capable people on providing help to the families of the prisoners and detainees along with urging providing help for the families of the prisoners and detainees in their religious discourse.
The meeting started with presenting the problems facing the families of the prisoners and detainees tackled by the project along with their solutions, the attendees participated through brainstorming with their perspectives on the most pressing problems in Imbaba district represented in the lack of health care and the fact that this category aren't beneficiaries from the assistance provided by the charities especially the affiliated ones to mosques and churches, when the capable people rather not to give their handouts, ALMS and charities to the target group.
It was agreed that the participants' religious discourse should establish for the social solidarity value towards the families of the prisoners and detainees along with encouraging the capable people on giving away a part of their ALMS, charities and handouts to this category.
The participants who are members of the boards of directors or have the ability to influence the decision making process in their charities committed to direct a part of their resources to the families of the prisoners and detainees.