A call for experts to make technical and financial proposals to implement a training program
Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights has the honor to invite experts in the field of economic development to present technical and financial offers for the implementation of a training program Under the heading "Small Enterprises Point of Hope"
Target group
The training targets the families of prisoners and detainees
The aim of the training
Empowering the families of prisoners and detainees with the knowledge, concepts and skills necessary to run a small project.
Enabling trainees from the families of prisoners and detainees to know the procedures for obtaining loans.
training time
Two days
Actions expected from the expert
Implementation of the training program.
Prepare a pre and post measurement on the training gains for the trainees.
Preparing a training report.
Presenting a proposed list of agencies and institutions that provide loans to poor and marginalized families in Cairo and Giza.
General background
This training comes within the framework of the activities of the integrated protection project for the families of prisoners and detainees, which is implemented by the Maat Foundation in cooperation with the Swiss Drosos Foundation, which seeks to improve the economic and social conditions of the families of prisoners and detainees and the sense of society to change its outlook and work to support this group and help them integrate into society.
Display specifications
The experts concerned with the submission of proposals must send the following requirements no later than 18 November 2013 to the e-mail
The requirements are:
Art show .
Financial offer showing the required cost and preferred payment method.
Biography of the owner of the show.
shortlink: https://maatpeace.org/en/?p=29899