# Boko_ Haram terrorists killed five humanitarian workers; They represent the government's Emergency Management Agency, Action Against Hunger, Reach International and the International Rescue Committee. They were recently kidnapped in the troubled Borno state of # in # Nigeria. The rebels earlier demanded a ransom estimated at $ 500,000 to release the kidnapped workers.
Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights condemns this bloody incident and considers it a "war crime" under the Rome Statute # and is inconsistent with international humanitarian law. The 1949 Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols provide general protection for relief workers including medical personnel, civil defense personnel, and humanitarian aid workers.
Maat Foundation reiterates the need to protect relief workers from terrorist groups, with the increase in attacks and kidnappings against them. The Foundation warns that the negative economic repercussions of the # Covid_19 virus may force terrorist groups for such actions to increase their budgets to serve their goals and objectives.
# Maat_africa365Day
shortlink: https://maatpeace.org/en/?p=29782