The signatory Egyptian organizations are deeply concerned about the Qatari authorities behavior regarding the enforced disappearance of some of the Global Network for Rights and Development employees during their humanitarian mission to follow up a report on the workers situation in Qatar.
According to the information available, the human rights activist (Krishna Prasad Ubadia) who works as a researcher in the main office of the International Network for Rights and Development and his fellow photographer (Jeremy Gundev) have been subjected to harassment and persecution by the Qatari police, so only the international network asked them to leave Qatar immediately for their safety, but the staff disappeared They are on their way to the airport.
According the available information, human rights activist, Krishna Upadhyaya who works as a researcher at the GNRD head office, and photographer Ghimire Gundev were harassed by the Qatari police. Therefore, they were asked by the GNRD to leave Qatar immediately for their own safety, when the two staff members disappeared in their way to the airport.
The signatory organizations are concerned about the Qatari restrictions towards human rights, and the opacity regarding foreign workers issues, taking into consideration the evidence on the extreme human right violations they are subject to.
The signatory organizations condemn the fact that the Qatari authorities abandoned their responsibilities in protecting human rights defenders in Qatar, as well as demanding an integrate and transparent investigation in the disappearance and the involvement of the Qatari authorities in the case.
The signatory organizations call the United Nations entities and regional and international institutions to put pressures on the Qatari authorities to find out the destiny of the GNRD staff.