In the framework of Egypt subordination to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the Human Rights Council of the United Nations in Geneva on 5 November 2014, a representative delegation for "The Civil Society Organizations Coalition for the UPR" led by Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights traveled to Geneva to participate in the Universal Periodic Review's activities. The coalition's delegation involvement in the UPR process comes in the context of continued cooperation and partnership between Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights (Egypt), the Global Network for Rights and Development (Norway), and the International Institute for Peace, Justice and Human Rights (Switzerland). Where the later two organizations provide technical support and logistical assistance for the coalition. Maat Foundation called for the coalition's establishment early in 2014, where the coalition composed 25 civil society organizations from different regions in Egypt. In March 2014, the coalition submitted two reports to the High Commissioner for Human Rights to assess the human rights situation in Egypt in the wake of January 2011revolution, one of the two reports tackled an assessment of the economic and social rights state, and the second report addressed an assessment of the civil and political rights situation. The reports included a set of observations and recommendations with respect to a range of related issues to Egypt international human rights obligations, one of the most important points raised in the report and adopted by the High Commission in its summarized report of the stakeholders reports is the right to freedom to organize civil work and the urgent need for a new law complies with the constitutional framework and Egypt's international obligations, as well as the opposing practices for the freedom of peaceful assembly, the attacks on demonstrators and cases of torture carried out by some of the ruling authorities after the success of the January revolution 2011. The reports addressed the challenges faced by the economic and social rights system, especially with regard to the right to work, the absence of a comprehensive law for health insurance and the sharp decline in the supply of safe sanitation services, in addition to the problems facing the access of women and people with special needs to their constitutional rights. The reports referred to the incidents of violence and terrorism took place in Egypt after the June 30th, 2013 revolution, which represents a growing threat to the respect of human rights in Egypt. It is worth noting that the coalition's delegation during their visit to Geneva will hold meetings with a great number of the Council member states delegations and official missions to urge them to adopt the coalition's recommendations during the interactive discussion, the delegation also will hold a seminar at the UN headquarters entitled "Human Rights in Egypt in light of the UPR 2014 … Realities and Paths to Reform. " The coalition will also hold a press conference in Geneva to announce its position on the UPR process and its evaluation for the Egyptian government's response to the interactive discussion, as well as visiting a number of international organizations in Switzerland to discuss human rights file in Egypt. The coalition led by Maat Foundation has a program to monitor Egypt's commitment to the UPR commitments over the next four years through systematic mechanisms and tools depends on the participation of the coalition member organizations.