The African Peer Review Mechanism is an initiative adopted by a number of African countries, including Egypt. The mechanism is specialized in the areas of: democracy, political governance, economic governance and administration, and economic and social development.
The mechanism actually started its work on March 9, 2003 as an African monitoring and self-assessment tool aimed at exchanging experiences, promoting best practices, and supporting capacity-building for African countries. The Mechanism's member states undertake a voluntary self-evaluation of their performance in these areas. Its structure is made up of:
1- Forum (forum) of the mechanism: It consists of heads of state and government of member states of the mechanism, and it informs the president of the member state of the recommendations of the forum to work on harmonizing its policies with these recommendations through constructive peer dialogue.
2- The Eminent Persons Committee: It includes seven members that oversee the management of the mechanism, appoint the review team, and study the reports issued by it in preparation for submitting them to the mechanism’s forum for consideration and approval.
3 - Secretariat of the Mechanism: It works as a technical support unit to assist the committee in its tasks.
Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights believes that this mechanism is one of the most important voluntary mechanisms, which is an important opportunity for African countries towards a real development of democracy, good governance and economic development, in the spirit of partnership, exchange of support and African cooperation.
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