Maat… Iran tops the list of worst countries for human trafficking
Akil: Turkey is the first in the world in which human trafficking gangs are active
On July 30 of every year, the world celebrates the International Day against Human Trafficking, which is considered a crime through the exploitation of women, children and men for several purposes, including forced labor and prostitution. The world today faces real challenges due to the phenomenon of human trafficking and illegal immigration, which has exacerbated tremendously in recent years as a result of wars and regional conflicts that have allowed human trafficking gangs to operate aggressively, taking advantage of the conditions experienced by thousands of people fleeing and displaced from those wars.
The United Nations General Assembly held a high-level meeting in 2013 to evaluate the global action plan to combat trafficking in persons, and the member states adopted Resolution A / RES / 68/192, in which it approved the July 30th of every year as the International Day against Trafficking in Persons, and this represents The decision made a global declaration of the need to raise awareness of cases of trafficking in persons, raise awareness of the suffering of victims of trafficking in persons, and promote and protect their rights, and in September 2015, the world adopted the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, including goals and targets on trafficking in persons, and those goals call for an end to trafficking in children and violence against them, In addition to calling for necessary measures against human trafficking, these goals also seek to end all forms of violence against women and girls and their exploitation.
The International Labor Organization estimates the number of victims of forced labor in the world at 21 million, including victims of sexual exploitation. In fact, the number of victims who have been trafficked is not known. The estimates refer to the fact that there are millions of people immersed in these heinous practices in the world.
Although there are many countries that fight this crime, we note that there are other countries that support it, as a country like Iran tops the list of the worst countries in human trafficking, and the United States included it on its list of the worst countries in relation to human trafficking and accused it of recruiting children amid international criticism over violations. Human rights in Iran, and Iran continues to send children to fight with the Revolutionary Guard forces in Syria, in clear violation of all international conventions on combating human trafficking as well as child recruitment. In addition to Iran's application of the death sentence against minors.
Ayman Aqil, head of the Maat Foundation, confirmed that Turkey is the first country in the world in terms of embracing the most gangs specialized in human trafficking, as human trafficking networks in Turkey have become more organized and more capable of moving larger numbers of people and obtaining unprecedented profits in history. This is because Turkey does not have a law against human smuggling, and even those who are arrested for these crimes face charges of forgery rather than smuggling, and Turkey ranks first in Europe in the operations of human trafficking and contemporary slavery during the past ten years, in addition to Turkey witnessing 185 thousand And 500 marriages of minors this year, in addition to thousands of cases of sexual trafficking and trafficking of human organs.
Finally, Maat Foundation calls on all groups of society to eradicate this crime, which has recently become described as a form of modern slavery, and urges the governments of countries to raise public awareness of the crime to familiarize citizens with the various forms of the crime of human trafficking, which is represented in forced labor and trafficking in organs Humanity, bargain marriage, and physical and sexual exploitation, which will greatly reduce the problem and contribute to eliminating it, as well as ensuring that the perpetrators and their perpetrators do not escape from falling under the penalty of law.