Climate change threatens the right to life
Under the slogan "Time for Climate Change", the International Alliance for Peace and Development, in cooperation with the Maat Foundation, held a symposium entitled "The Impact of Climate Change on Human Rights" during the 39th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, where the symposium dealt with the grave future effects of harmful human practices against the environment. . The session was moderated by Mrs. Kitty Panorgia from the Entrepreneurship and Social Economy Group in Greece, and Mr. Hisham Issa, Vice President of Decarbon for Sustainable Development and an expert on climate change, gave a detailed and comprehensive presentation on the impact of pollution and climate change on the human right to life and on the future of future generations.
During the symposium, Mr. Ayman Aqeel gave an intervention in which he stressed the importance of interfering with the international system to protect human rights and obligate states to fulfill their pledge according to what was stipulated in international conventions. The 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment Declaration (the Stockholm Declaration) states that there is a “fundamental right to freedom, equality, and adequate living conditions in an environment of quality that allows for a life of dignity and well-being.” Hence, there is broad agreement that change The climate has negative effects on the actual enjoyment of human rights, and among these rights: the right to life, the right to adequate food, the right to health, the right to adequate housing.
Expert Hisham Issa spoke about the negative impacts of climate change that are disproportionately affected by people and communities who live in deprivation situations due to geography, poverty, gender, age, disability, cultural or ethnic background, among other reasons. In particular, people and communities, even those in entire nations, who occupy coastal lowlands are exposed to the most severe risks from climate change.
The event revealed the biggest challenges facing the international community in the field of environment and climate change, which is the decision of US President Donald Trump to withdraw from the Paris Agreement to combat climate change, which represents a great challenge to curb this phenomenon. Experts believe that this withdrawal will make it more difficult to reach the goals set by the agreement to limit the rise in global temperatures.
In the end, the coalition announced a set of recommendations, the most important of which is to continue pressure to implement the Paris Agreement as a matter of urgency. And the protection of the international community for people affected by climate change, in addition to working on their enjoyment of basic rights, especially with regard to the rights to food, water, housing, health, decent work and cultural heritage.