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Maat concludes its training program for media professionals on media coverage of the UPR

Maat concludes its training program for media professionals on media coverage of the UPR

Aqeel: We seek to provide the necessary support for the state to fulfill its international obligations

“Combating illegal migration and human trafficking, improving the image of women in the media, and combating violence against women” are the most important campaigns that the participants will work on

Concluded , Maat for Peace, Development, and Human Rights Its training program Enhancing the capabilities of media professionals to cover the UPR, In the eighth training workshop that was held on 22-23 July 2017, which hosted a group of media professionals working on human rights issues in the governorates of Greater Cairo.

 The training program consisting of eight training workshops divided into two phases, which began to be implemented in April 2016, sought to improve the quality of media reports dealing with human rights issues and increase media coverage in particular on the universal periodic review, in addition to networking between media professionals and local civil society organizations involved in the project's activities. .

The training program provided media professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to understand the system of human rights protection mechanisms in general and the universal periodic review mechanism in particular, in addition to providing them with the necessary knowledge related to improving public policies based on human rights standards and the state's obligations to the universal periodic review mechanism, and the skills to implement and write media campaigns. Media reports for monitoring and following up the implementation of recommendations.

In order to inform the media professionals who benefit from the program on all relevant national and international developments, the Foundation developed“UPR application for smartphones UPR -[1].

The second phase of the training program, which was concluded yesterday, Sunday, aimed at enabling the participants to plan and implement effective media campaigns to improve human rights conditions by linking local and national issues and policies, development plans, legislation and electoral processes with the UPR 2014 recommendations and Egypt's international pledges in general. The training workshop by identifying some of the issues that the media professionals participating in the training workshop can shed light on and implementing focused media campaigns around them with the aim of successfully reducing the suffering of victims of human trafficking and violence against women, in addition to contributing to developing legislation to improve the working environment of civil society, improving the image of women in the media, and combating Illegal immigration.

It is worth noting that the training program is one of project activities The Universal Periodic Review as a Tool to Improve Public Policies during the TransitionFunded by the European Union in the two orbits of 2016-2017, which seeks to enhance the role of the universal periodic review to improve public policies and reform human rights during the transitional phase in Egypt by actively engaging civil society organizations, activists and media professionals in following up and advocating for the necessary reform of human rights, and adopting new policies Compliant with international human rights standards based on the 2014 UPR.

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More updated news about the project activities is available at the following link:  www.fb.com/UPR.Egypt2016
[1]  Android users can download the application from the following link:  http://cutt.us/UPRApp
System users can also IOS Download the application from the following link:  http://cutt.us/UPRIOS


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