
Youth exchange program: “The Euro-Mediterranean Network of Civil Society for Youth


Youth exchange program: “The Euro-Mediterranean Network of Civil Society for Youth

The main goal of the project :

Raising awareness of young people as active citizens in other European and Mediterranean countries, to establish long-term cooperation within the framework of an organized network that is viable, and that network participates in initiatives, interventions, training and networking on key topics such as:

Democracy promotion

Fighting violence and fear of foreigners

Solving economic and social crises

Promote human rights, especially in the context of refugee issues

Enhancing the role of youth in decision-making centers

Short term goal :

By the end of the project, the participants will have developed a set of rules where the representative of each organization signs these rules with the aim of establishing a permanent and accessible network.

Therefore, representatives of institutions will participate in the project, and the medium and long goal is to strengthen and expand the Euro-Mediterranean network so that its voice can be widely heard.

Project participants :

The project brings together young people working in local communities who have a high sense of societal responsibility, given that they already belong to a Euro-Mediterranean network capable of working.

The expected output is to maximize the impact of the project when the participants return to their countries.


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