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The Maat and Youth of Al-Sharqia Foundation holds the second meeting to raise awareness of the periodic review for students of the Faculty of Arts at Zagazig University

The Maat and Youth of Al-Sharqia Foundation holds the second meeting to raise awareness of the periodic review for students of the Faculty of Arts at Zagazig University

Aqeel: The universal periodic review is a mechanism to help governments fulfill their obligations

The Eastern Youth Association for Development, with the participation of Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights, held the second meeting to raise awareness of the universal periodic review for students of the Faculty of Arts at Zagazig University.

This meeting comes within the framework of the activities carried out by:Egyptian Civil Society Organizations Alliance for the Universal Periodic Review By implementing it to educate young people about the concepts of human rights and the universal periodic review, and out of the coalition’s keenness to raise awareness and capabilities of young people in all governorates with the concept of the universal periodic review of human rights, to which all countries of the world are subject.

During the symposium, it was emphasized that the universal periodic review mechanism aims mainly to help governments fulfill their international obligations and commitments, and this is the role that member organizations of the coalition play through a set of activities to raise community awareness of the international mechanism.

The youth participating in the symposium focused on discussing issues of education and employment in particular, and how to benefit from implementing the recommendations of the universal periodic review in improving human rights conditions and providing public services to citizens in the governorates.

It is worth noting that the coalition, which consists of 229 Egyptian NGOs, was established within the framework of the “Universal Periodic Review as a Tool to Improve Public Policies during the Transitional Period”. Which seeks to enhance the role of the universal periodic review to improve public policies and reform human rights in Egypt by actively involving civil society organizations, activists and media professionals in following up and calling for the necessary human rights reform, in addition to adopting new policies compatible with international human rights standards based on the results of the 2014 universal periodic review.



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