The daily message of the joint international local mission to follow up on the parliamentary elections, the tenth message

The Daily Message for the International-Local Mission to Observe the Parliamentary Elections
10th Message - 17 September 2015


The mission continues its field follow-up of the electoral process of the Egyptian Parliament, as the mission continued yesterday to announce the results of accepting application papers for individual candidates and electoral lists, as the Supreme Elections Committee announced the acceptance of the papers of 5420 candidates competing for 448 individual seats in various Egyptian governorates, while 535 applications were rejected for Individual seats, and the reasons for exclusion varied between medical contraindications and failure to complete the papers.

Regarding the lists, the committee announced that 9 lists out of a total of 15 lists that had submitted applications for candidacy, and 6 lists were excluded. These lists submitted grievances in a decision that excluded them, and the committee announced that it would announce its grievance decision within three days.

As part of the mission's field monitoring of the electoral environment, it monitored the continued use of some candidates' clubs and sports centers to promote their electoral propaganda, as one of the candidates in Alexandria distributed T-shirts to the club's buds bearing a picture while they were training to play football.

The mission also observed that some of the candidates toured with large families to obtain their prior support as part of their early advertising campaigns.

The mission also observed that some candidates in villages and hamlets used agricultural societies to organize electoral conferences and seminars.

The mission also observed that candidate Sherif Saleh, from the Climate and Flowers Department in Port Said, announced his withdrawal from the Port Said Clean initiative, after the Parliamentary Elections Observatory of the Joint International Local Mission Egypt 2015 monitored his organization of the initiative and its use in his electoral campaign.


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