Maat begins the implementation of the third phase of the project so that your voice cannot be missed

Maat begins the implementation of the third phase of the project so that your voice cannot be missed

Training of trainers workshop for youth cadres in Kafr El Sheikh and Sharkia governorates

 Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights held a training of trainers workshop within the framework of the project, Alashan Your Voice, which is implemented in cooperation with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), during the period from 29-30 September 2015 in Ain As-Sahin

Sixteen youth cadres participated in the Kafr El Sheikh and Sharkia governorates, where the workshop aimed at enabling the participants to acquire skills and knowledge that would help them implement training programs for youth in the various governorates, on aspects related to the electoral system on the basis of which the parliament elections are currently underway.

The workshop included several topics related to the main objective of training, the most important of which are communication skills, mechanisms for preparing training material for trainers, planning training programs, general principles for free and fair elections, voting procedures and voting in parliamentary elections in light of the ruling legal systems, and how the voter protects his vote from Nullity. The workshop also included the implementation of simulations of the electoral process.

It is noteworthy that the project “Because your voice cannot be discarded” is being implemented in the governorates of Kafr El-Sheikh and Sharkia. It is considered a third phase of an awareness project that Maat and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems have implemented since 2011, as it implemented its first phase in the 2011/2012 People's Assembly elections, and its second phase in the Shura Council elections 2012.

In its new phase, the project aims to increase the positive participation rate of Egyptian voters in the upcoming House of Representatives elections, by building the capabilities and skills of 16 youth cadres to enable them to train youth and natural leaders on voter education, and preparing 240 youth and natural leaders to implement voter education campaigns.

During the next phase, it is expected that the youth cadres who have been rehabilitated will hold local training workshops in a number of centers in the Kafr El Sheikh and Sharkia governorates targeting youth and natural leaders, who will in turn transfer what they learn in these workshops to larger numbers of voters.



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