James Moran Head of the European Union Delegation

Maat inaugurates the "Universal Periodic Review" project

Maat inaugurates a project

“The Universal Periodic Review as a Tool to Improve Public Policies during the Transition” (funded by the European Union)

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

 The Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights holds the inaugural conference of the “Universal Periodic Review as a Tool to Improve Public Policies during the Transition” project, which the Foundation implements with funding from the European Union, in Cairo on January 20, 2016.

 The ambassador speaks at the conference/ James Moran, Head of the European Union delegation to EgyptCounselor / Mahmoud Fawzi, Vice President of the State Council and Legal Adviser to the Minister of Legal Affairs and the House of Representatives, Professor/ Ayman Aqeel, President of Maat Foundation, Professor/ Fatma Othman, project manager, as well as a representative of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

 The project, which is implemented over a period of two years in 5 geographical areas, including the Canal region, Sinai and East Delta, Central and Western Delta regions, Greater Cairo Region, North Upper Egypt and South Upper Egypt regions, seeks to enhance the role of the universal periodic review to improve public policies and reform human rights during the transitional phase. In Egypt, by actively involving civil society organizations, activists and media professionals in following up and calling for the necessary reform of human rights and adopting new policies compatible with international human rights standards based on the Universal Periodic Review of Egypt 2014.

 Note that Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights is an Egyptian non-governmental organization registered in accordance with the Law of Associations and Civil Institutions No. 84 of 2002 with the Ministry of Social Solidarity under the Declaration No. 3166 of 2008 amended No. 7829 of 2010, and the Foundation is currently presiding over the Egyptian national network of the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for Dialogue Intercultural from June 2013 through June 2017.


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