They have called forgotten women workers, rural women pioneers fell from the memory of Egyptian government and here 25th January revolution came with breeze of freedom and re- take into accounts all marginalized groups after their features have almost vanished from the large decline in wages and intended exclusion to their role. Role of rural women pioneers is not limited to rural women and guide them in the field of family planning, and take all preventive measures to face the epidemic. However, they have become having an undeniable role in supporting the many health and social issues affecting the lives of a wide range of women, in addition to a new pioneering role invented for her, namely education of rural women, make them aware of the importance of participation in public life, and gain their political rights. Therefore, Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights welcomes the decision of cabinet of Ministers issued on April 21, 2011 to form a tripartite committee, which members are Minister of Finance, Chairman of Central Agency for Organization and Administration (CAOA) and Minister of Local Development, to examine procedures of appointing rural women pioneers in administrative system of state. In addition, Maat welcomes the issue of a proposal to the cabinet works to solve the problems of appointing the rural women pioneers through financing 3211 financial degree and re-correct their job situation, like their colleagues who hired and have been appointed on a permanent administrative system of the country. As, Maat indicated before in the framework of the empowerment of women for governance in Egyptian village "Wosool" project, which seeks to increase the representation of rural women in local governance in Egyptian villages, in a statement entitled "The absence of rural women pioneer role is a fundamental reason for lack of rural women's political awareness ". The statement pointed out that the most important problems of women in rural community is low education and lack of awareness of political rights due to the absence of an effective and tangible role of rural women pioneers. The statement revealed a small number of rural women pioneers, which seeks for the advancement of rural women, there is only women pioneers in each province in most governorates and some provinces haven't any women pioneers and it is assumed that each pioneer is responsible for the district of about one thousand five hundred families. Her job is awareness-raising for women of the importance and methods of family planning, the general health of women and combating illiteracy through visits to women in their houses. In addition, holding seminars and symposiums to raise awareness and providing social aid, either in coordination with local councils or NGOs and the Ministry of Social Solidarity and conducting social researches for persons need help. Nevertheless, rural women pioneers themselves in some villages suffer from a lack of possibilities and many of whom are poor and the government salary for this function is very weak, where no more than 150 pounds. Maat demands the support and develop the role of rural women pioneers in the community through appointing them and work on fixed contracts to them as well as increase government incentives for them because it has a big role in the promotion of social and health conditions and development of awareness of rural women. Maat appeals cabinet of Ministers for need to expedite the issuance of a decision to solve the problems of appointing rural pioneers with appropriate wages and ensure their distribution at the countryside level of the Republic to serve the rural women in the areas of concern to the Egyptian family. In addition, conduct training courses for them by concerned bodies to qualify and increase their awareness.