Maat observes with great concern the protests of the journalists in Elgomhourya 'The Republic ' newspaper against the Management Board and its Chairman who used to take decisions by himself, the fact which might lead to the collapse of the Institution – according to the reports of the General Assembly's members – which means the continuation of the bleeding of the public fund inside these ancient press institutions. There are apprehensions that the operations of destroying these institutions could be a pretext to privitalize the national press institutions so that the citizens would lose the last weapon which defends our society.
According to what is reported to the Center and through its observations, the Institution Management Board and its Chairman, in spite of his confession during their meeting that they achieved losses of 76 million LE –it appears that 76 is the misfortune number for Egypt - ,with increase of about 10 million LE from the losses of the last year ,in spite of all this the Chairman of the Board decided to pay a grant of 100 thousands LE for him self and 20 thousands LE for each member in the board –as if it is a management for loss . when a nominated member of the General Assembly protested and went with five of the members to the Chairman 'of the Republic' to discuss with him his strange decision ,they left his office to assure that he told them : do what you want but I will not change .
This response means nothing, but monopolizing every man of position of the decisions of the institution he manages. According to the journalists who protest against spending the public fund in vain in the Republic newspaper, there are many decisions neglected or ignored by the Chairman, the most important of which is to stop receiving new trainees journalists after the number of the trainees in the Institution reached 150 trainees. He also neglected the law by extending the age of occupying management positions to 65 years; this is the age of the Editor –in-Chief of the weekly issue of Elgomhorya 'The Republic'.
Maat Center hopes that the members of the General Assembly would succeed in holding meetings, after collecting 700 voices until yesterday evening, to stand against destroying public fund and interests. It was not expected to find an institution as great as Elgomhourya suffers from intended losses and we do not hope that a day would come in which we could find looses of billions –as expressed by some journals - in huge institutions deserted by their Chairmen who left behind them un comprehended looses .Also the Center hopes that such an incident should never pass without full investigation from Mr. Safout Elsharif ,the chairman of Shura Council ,considering the council is the owner of the institution .the center also dose not exclude the inspecting machines and their roles in unveiling the circumstances of the events and in announcing the reports' results to the public opinion .It also calls upon all national newspapers to announce their budgets to the public opinion to remove evils and doubts and to claim peoples' right to know their money's destiny and to assure not repeating events of violations which we tackled in previous texts in other places .The Center also hails the Press Syndicate for its supporting role to the legitimate rights and demands of the journalists after knowing that the members of its council , Gamal Fahmy Ahmed El Nagar and Abraham Mansour , represented the syndicate in the strike to support El Gomhourya Journalists . We do not Expect that the attitudes of the respected Syndicate would be formed according to the political backgrounds of the members of its council , so that these attitudes which support the profession members in their political conflicts with other institutions , specially the partial and independent institutions that in most of which the journalists suffers a lot through the actions of its management councils , and they did not get their material and literary rights fully , specially most of these journalists are not registered in the lists of the Syndicate which the Center waits to adjust its laws to get rid of the phenomenon of enslaving the youth journalists for the sake of the humiliating contract as the Syndicate do not recognize any thing but this contract as a document confirms the profession of the journalist and his worthiness of its membership .