In the fifth and sixth discussion sessions, the Community Giving Reach Project fulfills the requirement for participation

If the lady widens the circle of giving and includes her family, then she offers a wonderful work, and if the circle of her giving expands to include her community through public work, then she offers a great work and also provides a model for others to follow. What he deserves to be born is someone who lived for himself only, and that giving fulfills the demand. Without giving, there is no demand and the demand is participation, just as there is no participation without knowledge.

This is what came out of the two discussion sessions held by Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights in the governorates of Al-Sharqiya and October 6, where the fifth discussion session was held on Monday, January 17, 2011 in the village of Bendef in the Governorate of Sharkia, in coordination with the Al-Amal Foundation for Social Welfare, and the sixth session was held on Thursday 20 January 2011, in the village of Matania, in Al-Ayyat district, in the 6th of October Governorate, in coordination with the Tareeq Al-Bidaya Foundation for Development. A large group of women and girls participated in the two episodes in the villages of Bendef and Matania.

The discussion sessions aim to educate women and girls in the targeted areas of the importance of women's political participation in local governance, as Maat held two discussion sessions within the framework of the project to empower women to govern in the Egyptian village (Wusul), which is implemented in partnership between Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights and the Australian Agency for International Development. (AUSAID), and it seeks to enhance the participation of women in local governance in the Egyptian village, by building the capacity of women to run in local elections, raising awareness of the importance of women's participation in local government mechanisms, and building effective community mechanisms in support of the equitable representation of women in the elected local popular councils.

In the fifth discussion session, which was held in the village of Bendef in the eastern governorate, more than 50 women and girls participated, as the panel discussion revealed the existence of an overwhelming political illiteracy for most of the women and girls, even the university ones, as most of them do not have a voting card, and more than that they do not know that there are local council elections and what they are. These boards or their role.

The participants in the discussion panel demanded to hold more than one activity and to conduct training courses and seminars to activate their role in participation, because the most important thing they lack is knowledge of their political rights despite the fact that most of them are highly qualified.

In Al-Ayyat, more than 55 women and girls participated, and the episode began by storming me to the participants to motivate them to participate in the dialogue and express their opinion on the obstacles to women's participation in local decision-making. Weak participation of women in Al-Ayyat Center despite the fact that the education rate in the village of Matania reaches 90%, and some of the participants confirmed their desire to participate in public work, but they lacked guidance, as well as awareness and educational activities.

During the discussion, the participants proposed the formation of a women's committee consisting of those who wish to participate in joining a charitable association, “Nahdet Al-Matania Charitable”, for more than one purpose to volunteer in providing charitable work as well as holding educational activities for the village's women and girls.

At the end of the seminar, they asked Maat Foundation to supervise the educational activities held by that committee and to assist it in holding those activities by providing training material and trainers on the importance of political participation, its definition and the benefit to society as a result of women's participation.


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