For more than thirty continuous years, the Egyptian human rights movement has struggled for the Egyptian citizen to enjoy his political, civil, economic and social rights, and fierce battles have been waged in order to expose, oppose and stop the practices that the former regime used to follow with those who disagree with it politically, which is represented in preventing them from exercising their political rights in A climate of integrity and transparency, and it is not reasonable or acceptable to remain silent about the same exclusionary practices by some factions and political elites after the glorious January 25 revolution against Egyptian citizens just because they belonged in a previous era to the National Party. The Maat Foundation received with great astonishment the recommendation issued by the Electoral System Committee at the National Accord Conference, which includes depriving members and leaders of the dissolved National Party from practicing political work for a period of 5 years, whether by running for office or being elected, as well as banning the heads of boards of directors and editing national newspapers and government audiovisual media, During the rule of the previous regime, they were able to exercise political rights for 5 years, under the pretext of their involvement in misleading public opinion. The recommendations to be submitted to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces include depriving the leaders of some parties - who were appointed by the previous regime in the People's Assembly and the Shura Council, and whoever won the elections and a court ruling was issued against him confirming fraud and continuing in the council under the principle of "the master of his decision", from practicing Political work for a period of legislative term. The committee also recommended freezing the political rights of members of local councils. Maat Foundation wishes to announce its position on these dangerous recommendations that are contrary to Egypt's international human rights obligations in the following points: 1- The recommendation issued by the conference clearly and blatantly contradicts Article (2) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which Egypt ratified in 2005 1982, which states: “Each state party to this covenant undertakes to respect the rights recognized therein, and to guarantee these rights to all individuals within its territory and within its jurisdiction, without any discrimination on the grounds of race, color, sex, language, religion, or Opinion is political or non-political, national or social origin, wealth, parentage, or other reasons. The recommendation also contradicts the text of Article 25 of the same Covenant, which states that “every citizen, without any aspect of discrimination mentioned in Article 2, shall have the following rights” to participate in the management of public affairs, either directly or through freely chosen representatives, To be elected and to be elected in fair elections that are held periodically by universal and equal suffrage and by secret ballot, which guarantees the free expression of the will of the electors, that he shall have the opportunity, on a general equal basis with others, to have the opportunity to hold public office in his country. 2 - With the Maat Foundation recognizing and convincing of the passivity of many of the practices of the former regime and members of its dissolved National Party, it absolutely rejects that the procedures for preventing and stripping the exercise of their political rights are not based on a final and final court ruling, and not based on mere whims and tendencies of a certain elite. It has a legitimate representative character, and if that happens, we will open the door wide to the exclusion of the different intellectually, politically and ideologically, which threatens to undermine all the gains of the January 25 revolution. 3- The Maat Foundation calls on all Egyptian human rights organizations and human rights leaders that have fought for the respect of human rights during the past years to stand firmly against these discriminatory practices which - if they were to be passed - would be an insult to the forefront of the glorious January 25 revolution, and even transform many corrupt The former regime is considered martyrs in the eyes of history and future generations. Finally, Maat Foundation calls on the Egyptian government headed by Dr. Essam Sharaf (who was once a member of the National Party), and the members of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to observe Egypt's international obligations in the field of human rights, and to keep in mind the international instruments ratified by Egypt Before adopting any recommendation issued by any other party.