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Maat concludes the second UPR convoy in the Red Sea Governorate


Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights concluded, on Sunday May 29, 2016, its meeting with civil work organizations, executive leaders and media professionals in the Red Sea Governorate. The meeting, which was implemented in cooperation with the Justice Institution for Human Rights at the headquarters of the Public Library of Egypt, hosted the Director of the Social Solidarity Directorate, the Lawyers Syndicate in the governorate, a group of media, jurists, natural leaders in the governorate, and representatives of 20 civil organizations working in the governorate.

During the meeting, an interactive discussion took place on the definition of the comprehensive periodic review and the importance of the work of NGOs in the governorate, the challenges facing their work, the most pressing issues for the organizations ’work, in addition to discussing how to link the recommendations of the comprehensive periodic review and the promotion of development efforts in the governorate. The discussions touched on the role of Maat Foundation in working to solve the problems it detects through the convoys it organizes to visit the border governorates and the most marginalized villages.

For his part, Ayman Aqil, president of Maat Foundation, affirmed that “the foundation has been working in the field of human rights since 2005, without ideological or political biases, and that it operates within a legitimate and national framework and its legitimate sources of funding, but it faces challenges as a result of the nature of its work, which includes indicating the negatives And shortcomings in the field of human rights in Egypt.

In this context, the Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights had visited the city of Qusair and held a meeting on Saturday evening, corresponding to May 28, at the Mubarak Youth Center in Qusayr city, in cooperation with the Women’s Special Union in the Red Sea. The meeting was attended by a number of civil work organizations in Quseir, executive and youth leaders, women leaders and work cadres Al-Ahly in the governorate.

The meeting dealt with introducing the comprehensive periodic review and the role of organizations in assisting the state in fulfilling its international obligations, in addition to discussing the problems of the province and discussing ways to solve them.

It is worth noting that the “UPR convoys” are an innovative package of integrated field activities through which Maat Foundation visits a group of governorates and remote areas. The convoy comes within the framework of the Foundation’s interest in helping the Egyptian state to fulfill its voluntary commitments to the UPR mechanism, and from the standpoint of Its keenness to integrate the most marginalized regions into the efforts that focus on the universal periodic review as an entry point for improving public policies and achieving human development in its comprehensive sense.

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