The Maat Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Studies expresses its condemnation of the attacks of Tahrir and Mrs. Aisha, calling on the security services to intensify their efforts to prevent the recurrence of such “terrorist and subversive” events, in which innocent victims are killed, whether they are Egyptians or foreigners, and demanding the Egyptian government to accelerate the pace of comprehensive political and constitutional reform.
An explosion took place near the Egyptian Museum on Saturday 4/30/2005, and killed - according to security sources - the perpetrator of the operation called “Ihab Yusri” and wounded 3 Egyptians and 4 foreigners, they are Israelis, a Russian and an Italian. Less than two hours later, the neighborhood of Mrs. Aisha witnessed a shooting targeting a bus. Tourists, which led to the killing of the two perpetrators, after being shot by the bus guards.
The Center stresses that it does not find an accurate description of such criminal and inhuman acts that target innocent civilians, whether they are Egyptians or foreigners, and which harm the present and future of the country, especially the economic aspect of it, because such terrorist operations harm the tourism sector, which is one of the sources of income. Therefore, the Egyptian organization calls on the government to accelerate the pace of democratic reform, and that such processes do not constitute a reason to disrupt the reform process, given that reform is the real guarantee for the preservation of society in all its groups, or any attempt aimed at the security and stability of the country.
Lifting the state of emergency after it has been proven to have failed in curbing terrorist operations, replacing the emergency law with the criminal penal code that guarantees any violation of the law and legality, liquidating detainees' conditions, putting an end to torture and ill-treatment practices, and stopping the policies of arbitrary arrest and arbitrary detention.
Accelerating the pace of comprehensive political and constitutional reform, applying democracy and the rule of law, allowing the other opinion to express itself with utmost freedom, not restricting opposition conferences and demonstrations, providing adequate guarantees for free and fair elections, the possibility of rotating power, and respecting the rights and freedoms guaranteed to citizens, which will contribute in one way or another to not Providing a fertile environment for the growth of such terrorist operations. Political and constitutional reform is the way now to solve all the crises and problems facing the country now.