The Maat Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Studies condemns the Sharm el-Sheikh bombings, which killed 88 people, including seven foreigners, and injured about 200 others - calling on the Egyptian government to accelerate the pace of comprehensive political and constitutional reform.
The Center affirms that these terrorist and brutal bombings constitute a grave violation of the right to life guaranteed to citizens according to the Egyptian constitution and international conventions on human rights, which requires the agencies to strengthen their strict security measures, prosecute the perpetrators of criminal bombings and bring them to justice, but with due regard for their rights and treatment of them in good, unprofessional and degrading treatment. ,
The Center also warns that the security services should not repeat the same strategy they followed after the Taba bombings, such as the random arrest of nearly 3,000 Sinai citizens without charges since the date of the Taba bombings, as well as the different forms and forms of torture they were subjected to. Because such a strategy will only lead to plunging the country into a wave of violence and counter-violence, despite the importance of confronting armed violence and protecting society and civilians from perpetrators of violence, but at the same time respecting human rights and standards of justice in the face of these armed groups does not contradict the decisions of Confrontation and achieving security in the country. Indeed, the only way that leads to the success of the confrontation is full respect for the values and principles of human rights.
In view of the gravity and gravity of the three Sharm el-Sheikh bombings and the grave repercussions that will ensue, the Center calls on the government to:
- Lifting the state of emergency after it has been proven to have failed in curbing terrorist operations, replacing the emergency law with the criminal law that guarantees any violation of law and legality, liquidating detainees' conditions, putting an end to torture and ill-treatment practices, and stopping the policies of arbitrary arrest and arbitrary detention.
Accelerating the pace of comprehensive political and constitutional reform, applying democracy and the rule of law, allowing the other opinion to express itself with utmost freedom, not restricting opposition conferences and demonstrations, providing adequate guarantees for free and fair elections, the possibility of rotating power, and respecting the rights and freedoms guaranteed to citizens, which will contribute in one way or another to not Providing a fertile environment for the growth of such terrorist operations, as political and constitutional reform is now the way to solve all crises and problems.