Maat center with the Human Improvement Association and One World Institution held a symposium about how media tackles the Muslim-Christian issues. During this symposium, they discussed the methods to activate media's role in preserving the national unity from decaying. The organizations discussed also the situation of space channels, and national, party, and independent newspapers form Christians' issues under the weakness in professional skills of some workers in newspapers and the responding of most of them to the will and trends of chief editors and owners of the newspapers in which they work .
The symposium chief was Mr. Hazem Moneer, chief editor of Rose Alyoosef newspaper, who confirmed that the Egyptian information passed a transitional period ten years ago from comprehensive one to special one; concerned with public opinion. This stage forced the government's mass media to keep up with events and to react partially with it in covering the disputes between Muslims and Christians. In spit of media's different styles but they all try to defend the government's point of view or to cover its faults in order to reach solutions of the issue.
Chief Editor of El Badeal newspaper, Mohamed El Saed, said that the Egyptian media covers the inner conflicts' events but it did not cover them form the view point of media because the society is closed and overwhelmed and its members divided on religion principle under the absence of real understand of what is going on in the Egyptian society with its deferent classes. Mr. El Saeed said that government is the responsible for increasing the sectarian crises ,which became an infrastructural one, reflects the system's crisis whose illnesses leak from the governmental sector to public environment, and that the system plays with religion as he armed Muslims to confront the left wing which need reform, and the system's illegal manner in tackling the Christian file .El Saeed called for release the Press form political supremacy and for developing the profession's manners and the editor's tools to tackle the critical issues to enhance the idea of the state of right, just ,and law.
George Es-haak, one of Kefaia movement's establishers, confirmed that there is no talk about national unity under a real absence of nationality and justice and under social congestion its weakest circle is the religion relations which the system's security exploits when it needs, at the same time the mass media deal with those religion relations as the government sees it not as the civilian does.
George noted that some extremist characters in both sides appeared in space channels to confirm the riot inflammation with their words pointing out to the religion opinions war on space screens sponsored with aimed trends to destroy relations between Muslims and Christians.
Administrator of London newspaper Al hayaa (life) office, Mohamed Salaah said that the space channels intentionally interview the extremists in both sides to strike the state security and future in order to gain more viewers, although media needs to be neutral and objective in tackling news, away from any political considerations. Salah confirmed that the electronic web sites are out the assessment as it reflects an individual opinion in events although its spread and effect lately.
Dr Esam Abd Allah, professor of philosophy in Faculty of Arts- Ain Shams, said that the extremists in both sides do not need but Press titles and to gain money from their releases which fire the riot.
The editor administrator of Al Wafd newspaper, Magdy Helmy ended saying that we became a mindless people runs after the one who kick drums in a phenomena proves the failure of the misleading reading media and TV which is specialized in reading horoscope and magic ,but the strange thing is that we live all these years without mind . Helmy called for establishing a national council for national unity collects the nation's reasonable men away from characters who are attended in all official bodies.
The attendance talks focused on the journalist's responsibility of the news he releases about events of Muslims and Christians, they also called for respected clear standers in media's handling of nation's crisis, which do not bear wager on them.
The meeting attendance recommended confirming on …
The necessity to establish national council for national unity and the hurry to issue the united worship places.
Establish domestic treasury from contributes of individuals, businessmen, and government to supply and compensate victims of the violence accidents between Muslims and Christians which are away of the responsible bodies.
Calling upon mass media to connect with reasonable voices through their writings, articles, and opinions and substitute them for the extremist Egyptians.
The concern about training youth journalists on information neutral tackling of the tender issues and to supply human rights organizations connected to the idea of their qualification.
The concern about training youth journalists on information neutral tackling of the tender issues and to supply human rights organizations connected to the idea of their qualification.
Activate Press Supreme Council and Journalist Association to stand against the extremist, overstepping, and unnatural journalists oversteps in their dealing with Muslims –Christians issues, and to spread the tolerance culture through complete educational programs in education and in mass media.
Maat for juridical and constitutional studies