Maat issues the second report to monitor the performance of Parliament

Maat issues the second report to monitor the performance of Parliament

Maat issues the second report to monitor the performance of Parliament

The absence of the legislative role, the emergence of the service role, and the differences of representatives

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In the context of its follow-up to the role of the legislature, and its keenness to enable citizens to follow the performance of their elected representatives, Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights issued the second report to follow up on the performance of the House of Representatives, which covers the period from February 1 to March 10, 2016.

The report discussed the legislative role of parliament during the monitoring period, which is the role that was limited to discussing the council’s regulation that witnessed differences between representatives, especially with regard to the minimum level for forming parliamentary bodies for parties and coalitions, which ended with the approval of the bylaw on the basis of forming a coalition of 25% of members as a minimum, two members of the Commission Parliamentary party as a minimum.

The report also discussed the disagreements witnessed by the House of Representatives, the most prominent of which was the revocation of the membership of one of the representatives due to his violation of parliamentary norms, and the parliament also suspended another deputy for a full session on the grounds that a colleague in the parliament had beaten him with shoes, which the parliament considered a grave violation of public norms and morals.

The report also presented the most important foreign activities carried out by the council, where the council chairman met with many ambassadors of foreign countries in Cairo and met the Chinese president, the president of the Republic of Iraq and the head of the Russian Duma, and he also traveled at the head of a parliamentary delegation to Switzerland to participate in a conference of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, then to Poland to participate in The work of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean Group.

The Maat report concluded that Parliament did not accomplish anything during the period covered by the report, with the exception of the Council's internal regulations, which were sent to the State Council for review.

The report also revealed the emergence of the service role of the representatives due to the absence of local councils, the increase in the number of internal quarrels in the council as a result of the state of confusion in the corridors of the council, especially in public sessions, and the failure of a large number of representatives to participate in the sessions as the council did not meet in its entirety since its first meeting. On the tenth of January of this year and so far, the average attendance was no more than 490 deputies.

The second report to follow up the parliamentary performance


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