The universal periodic review convoy of the New Valley concludes its meeting with NGOs in the governorate

The universal periodic review convoy of the New Valley concludes its meeting with NGOs in the governorate

After her visit to farmers east of the city of Kharga, and as part of the implementation of the “Universal Periodic Review Convoys”, Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights concluded its meeting with NGOs in the New Valley Governorate, and the meeting that was implemented in cooperation with the Society for Community Development in the New Valley in the village of Nasser Al-Thawra hosted representatives For 30 NGOs working in the governorate

The meeting dealt with an interactive discussion on the working conditions of NGOs in the governorate, the challenges facing their work, the most pressing issues for the organizations ’work, the future of development in the New Valley, in addition to discussing how to link the recommendations of the comprehensive periodic review and the promotion of development efforts in the governorate..

The universal periodic review convoys ”is an innovative package of integrated field activities through which the Maat Foundation visits a group of governorates and remote areas. The Foundation’s program includes a visit to a group of archaeological, heritage and religious areas, a meeting of a group of media professionals and leaders of civil work, in addition to a group of meetings with Residents of the governorate and the different target groups, and the visit will be concluded with a massive popular conference entitled “The Universal Periodic Review, the Future of Development and Combating Terrorism in the New Valley Governorate”, with the aim of presenting the results of the visit.

The caravan comes within the framework of the Foundation's interest in helping the Egyptian state fulfill its voluntary commitments to the universal periodic review mechanism, and out of its keenness to integrate the most marginalized areas in the efforts that focus on the universal periodic review as an entry point for improving public policies and achieving human development in its comprehensive sense..
It is expected that the Foundation will issue a comprehensive report on the visit and its activities after the end of the convoy, whose activities will continue between 13-16 May 2016..

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