Foundation progress , Maat for Peace, Development, and Human Rights (Egypt) This report is to clarify and track the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and to monitor the most important changes related to it. The Iranian authorities commit massive violations of basic human rights on a daily basis, more specifically the freedoms of expression, association, and peaceful assembly. Human rights defenders and journalists are subject to arrest, detention and unfair trial, and journalists are subjected to flogging for their criticism of the government. Judicial harassment is one of the most common methods of silencing human rights defenders and independent voices, and vaguely worded charges of "acting against national security" or "propaganda against the system" are often used. Many are convicted in the absence of their lawyers, and on the basis of confessions extracted under Torture.
With regard to its cooperation with international mechanisms, Iran has shown great delays in submitting reports to the Commission on Human Rights, which reached more than 10 years for each session. The last report it submitted to the Commission was in 2010, and it was supposed to submit the next report in November 2014, but it did not do so, and in addition to not ratifying quite a few international conventions and covenants. Enterprise The Iranian authorities need to ratify both the two optional protocols annexed to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as the necessity to comply with the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which they signed on April 4, 1968, and ratified it on June 24, 1975, but it is noticeable that they do not show any Paying attention to any of the charters that you signed, especially with the increase in violence, harassment and intimidation against activists and human rights defenders in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
and then; Progress "Maat Foundation" This report is submitted to the Human Rights Committee, as a guide, and to shed light on the increasing violations committed by the Iranian authorities against activists, human rights defenders, and environmental rights workers, especially women among them, and whose international human rights reports indicate an increase in acts of violence and intimidation against them in recent times. The last and invites Enterprise The international community underscored the necessity of constant pressure on the Iranian government to immediately release the prisoners of conscience, and the activists who were imprisoned and subjected to torture; Because of their exercise of their basic rights to freedom of opinion and expression, assembly and peaceful demonstration Enterprise To indicate the need to take a firm and decisive stance towards what the Iranian government is doing against its people, as well as the need for serious and immediate investigation into all allegations of torture, which has proven evidence and images that subject many activists and human rights defenders to arrests, enforced disappearances, and systematic torture. For intimidation and harassment of the detainees' families.