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Report on the rights of the child in South Sudan

Report on the rights of the child in South Sudan

Posted on the sidelines of the work of the pre-session working group 88 of the Committee on the Rights of the Child



South Sudan entered two civil wars beginning in 2013. As a result of the ongoing conflict, serious violations of children's rights, which are essential to living a decent life, are documented in terms of lack of access to food and health services, child recruitment into armed groups, exploitation and torture, school dropout and extreme poverty.

Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights publishes this study, on the sidelines of the working group before the 88th session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, in order to shed light on the basic principles of child rights in Southern Sudan, in addition to reviewing the development of the situation of the child there, especially in light of the internal circumstances that it has gone through South Sudan recently, along with addressing the impact of the global health crisis on the South Sudanese child. The study concludes with a set of recommendations directed at stakeholders to ensure the promotion of the basic rights of the child.

First: The human rights foundations for the child in Southern Sudan

A-      The child of South Sudan in international mechanisms

 The State of South Sudan was keen to engage in international mechanisms after its independence in 2011, as it ratified the International Convention on the Rights of the Child in January 2015 and also acceded to the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the involvement of children in armed conflict in September 2018 along with the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of Children and their exploitation in prostitution and pornography. Although more than 6 years have passed since joining the international convention, it participated for the first time in the Committee on the Rights of the Child emanating from the convention in November 2020.[1] On the other hand, the countries of South Sudan were one of the countries that joined the Global Compact for Safe and Orderly Migration in December 2018, also known as the "Marrakesh Pact", which guarantees strengthening the protection of children, especially with regard to issues related to migration.

B.   The child in the laws and legislations regulating South Sudan

At the national level, the State of South Sudan has adopted a number of laws and legislative frameworks that guarantee protection of children's rights and work to integrate international charters and treaties into its national framework. The Interim Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan was amended in 2011 and Article 1 (4) thereof, which states the importance of justice, equality, respect for human dignity, and the advancement of human rights and fundamental freedoms. It also reflects the constitution The rights of children under the convention in Article 17 of the Constitution which provides for the rights of children to life, name and nationality, maintenance by parents, freedom from any form of violence or exploitation, the right to health and education, protection from all forms of discrimination and exclusion, freedom from any A form of violent practice associated with customs and traditions Protection from kidnapping and trafficking

In 2008 it was adopted The Government's Child Law, which works to promote and protect the South Sudanese child, is a comprehensive legislation that integrates the Convention into national law and strengthens laws related to the rights and welfare of children. However, child law enforcement remains fully operational and has not been widely deployed in all of the 32 states and sectors. In spite of all efforts made by the Government of Southern Sudan to improve the conditions of the child and promote more of his rights, the South Sudanese child still faces many challenges with regard to the basic rights and principles of human rights.

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