However, the Islamic Republic of Iran is composed of different ethnic groups, in general, minorities in Iran suffer from persecution. The Kurds, Turkmen, Azerbaijanis and Arabs suffer from various forms of overt racism towards them. The Iranian Constitution provides for respect for minorities and for the right of each category of the Iranian people to preserve its culture, identity and language, however, the Iranian authorities impose their culture and their Persian language on everyone by force as well as the violation of the human rights of these national and religious minorities. Even the Shiite clerics who oppose their policies are arrested and abused by them. The authorities exercise their repressive policies against all those who demand their national and human rights, especially, the Kurdish people who are struggling to their just rights
However, Article 19 of Chapter 3 of the Iranian Constitution provides for non-discrimination between Iranians on an ethnic basis, Article 12 ignores the right to ethnic diversity and religious freedom, whereas it states that the Twelver Ja‘fari school of [shi‘ī] religion is the official school of the state. Also, Article 121 obliges the president to protect this school by all means. The constitution also stipulates that the president of the state must be of Iranian origin and possess Iranian citizenship and be a believer in the principles of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the official doctrine of the country, which deprive the Sunni Muslims of Kurds, Turkmen, Arabs and others of this right..
Furthermore, ethnic minorities in Iran suffer from restrictions on the exercise of their cultural rights, although the Iranian Constitution in Articles 15 and 19 provides for the right of minorities to use their languages in educational and cultural areas, the authorities prohibit the building of any Sunni mosque in the capital Tehran despite the presence of churches, Jewish synagogues and even places of worship for followers of other religions such as Zoroastrianism. With regard to development, these minorities complain of the marginalization and shortening of the authorities of Tehran in the development of the regions in which they live. It also acts violently and arrogantly with its population, especially after the authorities has assigned the security of the border area to the Revolutionary Guards