
Shadow Report of the Committee Against Torture and Other Cruel and Inhuman Treatment


Practices that take place behind walls remain one of the main threats to human rights in Kenya. Although there are a number of steps taken by the state for a party to advance this file, the door remains open and has not yet been closed towards the final elimination of the phenomenon of torture in Kenya.

In the last UPR cycle in January 2020, The Kenyan government accepted 17 recommendations relating to torture. These included calls for the Kenyan government to fully implement the Prevention of Torture Act, ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture, ensure the application of international forensic standards in criminal investigations, and ensure torture victims receive compensation and rehabilitation.

Given the links between the UN human rights mechanisms - contractual and non-contractual - and the Kenyan government is open to accepting observations and recommendations from stakeholders, Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights submitted this report to indicate some files that must be taken into account by the Committee and the State party during the review process.


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