Violence against women in armed conflicts in Africa
Human rights are a right guaranteed by all international covenants and conventions, and they are not inalienable rights that are guaranteed to a person simply because he is a human being, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which most countries of the world have signed, stipulates it, and of course these rights are guaranteed for women, according to the Judicial Convention On all forms of discrimination against women, as Article 5 of the Convention states: “Changing the social and cultural patterns of behavior of men and women, with the aim of achieving the elimination of prejudices and customary customs and all other practices based on the belief that either gender is lower or higher than the other, or on roles Stereotypes of men and women ”, and to emphasize these rights that some human souls and social cultures may tend to oppress them, the United Nations has appointed a special rapporteur on violence against women, but women in Africa still suffer from difficult social conditions, and an uninviting political and cultural environment This report issued by the African Affairs Unit of Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights coincides with the United Nations campaign “16 days of activity, to combat violence against pain Women ”, and in light of this, we shed light on these conditions in light of 4 indicators, taking 4 different countries in Africa as cases for study.
Violence against women in armed conflicts in Africa