
Advocacy and frame of reference for an advisory mission

Advocacy and frame of reference for an advisory mission

Evaluation of the "UPR project as a tool for improving public policies during the transition period"

·        About the Maat Foundation

Maat was established in 2005 as a non-profit civilian company under the name  Maat Center for Legal and Constitutional Studies Then, the officials of the organization reconciled its situation with the provisions of Law 84 of 2002 in May 2008 to change its name to Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights The Foundation enjoys the consultative status of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, as well as a member of a number of national and regional networks and coalitions.

Since its inception, the organization has focused on specific fields of work within the framework of the promotion and protection of human rights, and over the years this interest has crystallized into major work programs to form four programs, namely: -

1-    Program to support decentralization and good local governance: It is concerned with supporting the trend towards decentralization and increasing the participation of societal actors in the local decision-making process, as well as monitoring the status of public services related to the system of economic and social rights for citizens.

2-    Community peace and marginalized groups development program : It is concerned with providing legal, social, psychological and economic support to the groups most vulnerable to societal marginalization, helping them integrate into society and enhancing their ability to take advantage of the available development opportunities.

3-    Elections and Democracy Program:  In it, the Foundation is mainly concerned with monitoring general elections at the local and Arab levels, and it is also concerned with general electoral education operations.

4-    Program of international mechanisms for the protection of human rights: Through it, the Foundation works on preparing reports and testimonies and participating in international mechanisms for the protection of human rights, and the universal periodic review mechanism receives the greatest focus of the Foundation.

·        About the project

Project The Universal Periodic Review as a tool for improving public policies during the transition period It is a human rights project implemented by an institution , Maat for Peace, Development, and Human Rights Funded by European Union From January 2016 until the end of December 2017, which aims to strengthen the role of the universal periodic review to improve public policies and reform human rights during the transitional phase in Egypt. Specifically, the project aims to:

1-    Actively involve civil society organizations, activists, and media professionals in monitoring and advocating for the necessary human rights reform

2-    Adopting new policies compatible with international human rights standards, based on the 2014 Universal Periodic Review.

The project is mainly based on implementing a set of interventions related to capacity-raising and awareness-raising for national stakeholders (civil society organizations - media professionals, journalists, and Internet activists) and providing policy and legislative alternatives through the management of the policy analysis unit of the Maat Foundation, producing draft legislation and policy papers, organizing round tables and hearing sessions that include Experts, stakeholders, legislators and officials, as well as monitoring and following up the progress in implementing the relevant UPR recommendations. Specifically, the project aims to reach three specific results, each of which gives rise to a set of associated indicators, activities and related outputs, and these results are: - 

1-    Outcome 1. Civil society organizations are monitoring the implementation of UPR recommendations and 60% recommendations have become a priority and have been included on the agenda of civil society organizations at the local level.

2-    Outcome 2. Momentum is created around the second UPR and increased knowledge of UPR mechanisms and recommendations by 20% among Egyptians

3-    Outcome 3. Public policies are adopted in line with Egypt's commitments to the UPR recommendations

·        Mission description

Calling Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights  Experts and those interested in making financial and technical offers to carry out a mission “Final evaluation of the UPR draft as a tool for improving public policies during the transitional period”  , Provided that the evaluation is based on the objectives, results and indicators specified in the project document, taking into account the European Union standards in the evaluation process and the basic criteria (relevance - efficiency - effectiveness - sustainability - cross-cutting issues).

·        Actions and time range

The following table shows the timeframe governing the procedures for submitting proposals, implementing the data collection and evaluation process, and submitting the first draft report and then the final report:

Actions / Activities

final date

Receive technical and financial offers

December 7, 2017

Decide on offers, selection and contracting

December 10, 2017

Make available relevant project documents to the evaluation consultant and discuss and approve the evaluation plan

December 12, 2017

Receive draft evaluation report

December 22, 2017

Send feedback and comments

December 25, 2017

Receive the final report supported by a full summary in English

December 29, 2017

·        Contents of required offers

Consultants wishing to undertake the assignment should send their technical and financial proposals to the following email  maat@maatpeace.org & fatma@maatpeace.org Or, hand it over at the Foundation's headquarters, located at 148 Misr Helwan Agricultural Street, Maadi Gardens, Cairo, fourth floor, at a date not later than Thursday, December 7, 2017 before four in the afternoon

Provided that the offers sent include the following: -

1-    Profile of the presenter (s) and their relevant experience.

2-    Assessment methodology and procedures

3-    Schedule (as specified in the previous schedule)

4-    Financial offer broken down according to working days.


For inquiries, you can contact Ms. Fatma Othman, Project Manager, on the phone number 01288880758




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