The Maat Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Studies, the general coordinator of the Egyptian Coalition Against the Death Penalty, confirmed that the case of Egyptians sentenced to death in Libya had aroused Arab and Egyptian public opinion about:
Is the death penalty expected to be lifted or will it be carried out? What is the feasibility of implementing it?
The facts of the crisis are summarized in the accusation of a group of Egyptians of committing murders and that ten of them are awaiting execution and who feel death in every moment they spend in prison awaiting execution.
Within the framework of the Egyptian coalition’s interest in preserving the right to life, which was stipulated in international conventions, including the global flags for human rights, in its third article, the Libyan judiciary is calling for a review of the ruling with that extremely harsh punishment, especially after some victims' families accept the blood money.
Some Libyan civil society organizations were able to provide the money for seven of those sentenced to death, and they requested coordination with the Egyptian embassy to conduct reconciliation. The Egyptian embassy in Tripoli was able to obtain an amnesty and waiver from the families of two victims, and negotiations are underway with the third for pardon or acceptance of blood money.
It is worth noting that Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper reported that the Church paid the blood money of the Christian (Ihab Wagdy Al-Mashriqi) from Egyptians sentenced to death in Libya, and there are demands for Al-Azhar's intervention to pay the blood money from zakat money.
Hence, the coalition raises a question: Will the Arab judiciary learn tolerance from the families of children affected by AIDS? And did the Libyan families tolerate and pardon the Bulgarian nurses and the Palestinian doctor, Ashraf Hajuj, was a clear position by the Arab judiciary to review the harsh and violent death sentences it issued?
Therefore, the Egyptian Coalition Against the Death Penalty thanks the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for its efforts.
It calls on the Egyptian government to make more efforts to stop the execution of the ruling issued against the rest of those sentenced to death in that case. It also calls on the Egyptian judiciary to limit the issuance of death sentences.
The alliance coordinator,
Maat for juridical and constitutional studies