The International Coalition and Maat Foundation organize a stand in front of the Human Rights Council in Geneva to reject violence and spread peace

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Under the slogan "Unite for peace"

The International Coalition and Maat Foundation organize a stand in front of the Human Rights Council in Geneva to reject violence and spread peace

Akil: While we call for peace and renounce violence, there are countries that support and finance terrorism

Yesterday, Monday, November 11, 2019, the International Alliance for Peace and Development and the Maat Foundation organized a stand in front of the United Nations Broken Chair monument in Geneva to reject violence and extremism and work to spread peace, under the slogan "Unite for Peace."

Ahmed Saeed, Executive Director of the International Peace Coalition in Geneva, opened the stand, who welcomed the attendees, and called for the necessity of exerting more efforts and uniting everyone in order to eliminate intolerance and hatred, renounce violence and work to spread peace.

For his part, Ayman Aqil, President of Maat Foundation, delivered a speech during the stand, in which he emphasized that while we stand today before the Human Rights Council in order to reject violence and spread tolerance and peace among peoples, there are some countries that finance terrorism and host leaders of terrorist elements on their lands.

Aqil stressed that this pause comes within the framework of the training program that the Maat Foundation holds in cooperation with the International Alliance in Geneva, which includes more than 20 young men and women of Arab, African, European and American nationalities on the universal periodic review mechanism, which will last for a week, on the sidelines of the work. 34th UPR session.

During the stand, which was attended by a large number of different nationalities, videos of some terrorist operations that took place in a number of countries, such as Egypt, America, France, Somalia and Afghanistan, were shown. The pause also witnessed an exhibition of pictures documenting terrorist operations, in addition to playing a number of songs calling for peace and love. A group of participants at the stand also talked about their experiences in calling for peace and spreading the speech of tolerance and rejection of violence in their countries.


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