Terrorism does not threaten specific regimes, but rather the future of the world

Terrorism does not threaten specific regimes, but rather the future of the world
The international community has not succeeded in eliminating terrorism

On the sidelines of the training program hosted by the Greek Eco-Organization in the capital Athens, entitled "Confronting terrorism and violent extremism", funded by the European Union, with the participation of 7 Euro-Mediterranean countries, including Egypt, represented by the Maat Foundation for Peace, Development, Rights and Humanity, during the period from (14-23 November 2018), Maat Foundation participated in organizing a conference in cooperation with the Greek Eco-Organization, the Swiss International Peace and Development Alliance, the East and West Center for Sustainable Development from Jordan, and the Nof Act from Spain, and the conference came under the title “The role of civil society in confronting terrorism and promoting peace building.” Which was held in a hotel in the Greek capital on Saturday 17 November 2018.

Ayman Aqil, President of Maat Foundation, stressed during his speech that terrorism does not threaten specific systems of government, but rather threatens the future of the world and destroys all efforts that seek to build peace, love, tolerance and coexistence. Aqeel pointed to the importance of civil society organizations being a strong actor in the war on cross-border, cultural and religious terrorism, and stressed that confronting terrorism cannot be achieved without a comprehensive political, social, security, economic and cultural confrontation, as well as human rights.

The head of the Maat Foundation from Athens explained that the international community has not succeeded in eliminating terrorism or even reducing it, and the most likely reason for this is the mixing of political interests with moral positions and the failure to adopt comprehensively converging plans to eliminate violence and extremism. Aqeel pointed out that violence and terrorism are impeding the peaceful democratic transition process in a number of countries that have witnessed popular uprisings and revolutions in protest of corruption, injustice and the failure of economic policies.

Ayman Aqil announced that certain countries support terrorism and extremism, provide safe havens, media platforms, financial, logistical and intelligence support, and political cover for terrorist groups, and those countries have pumped huge sums of money in support of terrorist groups in countries such as Syria, Egypt, Yemen and Libya.

 Akil addressed the Euro-Mediterranean youth and asked them not to lose hope in realizing the path to peace and eliminating terrorism and extremism from its roots, and they should always remember the saying of the most famous peaceful fighter, Mahatma Gandhi, “You must not lose hope in humanity. The whole ocean is dirty. ” The President of Maat Foundation concluded his speech with a message to the world, donors and international development partners by re-planning their financing strategy and future plans to help governments and civil society organizations implement effective interventions within the framework of the goals set for Goal 16.

In this context, Hajer Abdel-Monsef, Director of the African Affairs Unit at the Maat Foundation, confirmed that although the United Nations strategy to combat terrorism has existed since 2006, it has not succeeded in stopping these terrorist operations or even limiting their occurrence. Hajar recommended the necessity of obligating governments to adopt effective policies to confront terrorism and extremism, given that the current UN strategies for combating terrorism direct countries towards adopting policies to combat terrorism on a voluntary basis, which experience has proven ineffective in a strong and influential manner.

It is worth noting that the participants in this conference come from 7 Euro-Mediterranean countries, namely “Italy, Greece, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Spain and Turkey.” The conference included an interactive dialogue between the representatives of these countries from among the Euro-Mediterranean youth with a common goal of building peace under the slogan “Unite for Peace, ”as this interactive dialogue resulted in several recommendations that the participants agreed upon, as follows:

  • Adoption of the "Youth for Peace" program
  • An appeal to the United Nations to adopt a comprehensive convention against terrorism and extremism
  • Maintaining the periodicity of the conference and expanding its scope
  • Condemning all forms of terrorism, violence and extremism


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